I am still knitting on the jumper for my husband. To be honest, I am knitting furiously on it in the evening hours. It is now two weeks ago, that I started it. The yoke is finished and I am working on the body now. I am so glad that the jumper grows so fast and I am so happy to try the two-coloured knitting. It makes so much fun. One pattern-part is already done and I have to say that I am a bit proud. It looks so pretty, though it is a quite simple motive. I just scrolled around a bit, to find a simple yet nice little pattern to use. A second pattern-part is planned, the rest will be plain light-grey. Let's see whether I can keep the - at least for my part - high speed.
Pattern: Flax from tincanknits, it is raglan from top to down, so the sweater on the picture is upside down.
Please join the other knitters at Ginny's.